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Experience music and learn during the Festival Almere Muziek in Almere.
An interactive experience for the whole family with the concept Music from Within by Zoltán Kodály.

Once again this year, Almere is getting ready to host one of the most anticipated festivals for music and culture lovers with the whole family. From Wednesday 30 August to Sunday 3 September 2023, the Festival Almere Muziek will fill the city with music and fun for all ages.

This concert festival aims to promote musical learning at a young age and in an interactive way. Under the concept 'Music from Within', developed by Hungarian composer and music teacher Zoltán Kodály, children can try out various musical instruments, learn music theory and solfeggio, and participate in physical movement games to gain insight into music and strengthen their hearing, rhythm, and melodic awareness.

This festival offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy music with the family in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Moreover, the concerts of talented local and international artists promise to be an unforgettable musical experience for all visitors.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this music festival in Almere, where culture and fun come together in one experience. We'll see you there!


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