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Frido Ter Beek
Cuentos de lo profundo
A Dutch saxophonist and composer based in Argentina. This time, it features recorded improvised duets in the studio.

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Frido Ter Beek - Cuentos de lo profundo (2020, Club del disco) 

1 Preludio
2 Corriente Subsuperficial
3 Dance Of The Sea Bass
4 The Sensitive Lips Of The Lip Fish
5 Olas
6 Entre Verde Azulado y Azul Marino
7 Hippoglossus Hiding
8 Tiny Fish
9 Underwater Melancholy
10 El Pez León Que Quería Ser un Tigre
11 Rayos de Luz Bajo el Agua
12 Flight Of The Black Marlin
13 Entre Azul Celeste y Blanco

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